Persian Language Course
Faramarz Behzad / Soraya Divshali, Translated and Edited by J. P. Luft, First edition 2008
459 pages Paperback, Teaching book + 4 CD-Recordings (ca. 320 min)
© Logos Verlag, Bamberg (Germany)
ISBN 978-3-9810176-1-8
Euro 63,00
From the Introduction
The Persian Language Course by Faramarz Behzad and Soraya Divshali has existed in its original German version as an over the years carefully developed and refined tool for the instruction of Persian language at the university of Bamberg, Germany. Since its first publication in 1994 it has been one the best introductions into Modern Persian. The English adaptation is based upon the newly revised, forth edition which will also be published in 2003.
A key to the exercises and the abundant CD-recordings allow the beginner to learn the language on a private study basis as well.
J. P. Luft
Persian Language Course (Farsi)
Faramarz Behzad / Soraya Divshali, Translated and Edited by J. P. Luft, First edition 2003
459 pages paperback, An Introduction to the Persian Language of Today
© Logos Verlag, Bamberg (Germany)
ISBN 987-3-9807103-7-4
Euro 32,00
Persian Language Course, Backup materials
Faramarz Behzad / Soraya Divshali, First edition 2003
4 audio CD-recordings (ca. 320 min)
© Logos Verlag, Bamberg (Germany)
ISBN 987-3-9807103-9-8
Euro 34,00